Go Green at Your Wedding

Go Green at your Wedding

Go Green at Your Wedding

Making your wedding ‘green’ is a great idea. Go green at the wedding and opt for the environmentally friendly alternative to each element of the celebration. These days, sustainable wedding ideas are plentiful, with more eco-friendly wedding decorations on the market and greener options when it comes to catering, invitations, and more. Your wedding is one of the most special days of your life so make it more impactful by considering some eco-friendly wedding ideas.

Pick an Eco-Friendly Venue

Get the best of both worlds by saying your “I do”s in a wedding venue dedicated to sustainability. Hold your ceremony and reception in one place — no one will have to travel to get from one event to the next, which cuts back on fuel emissions.

Choose eco-friendly wedding invitations

The best and easiest way to go green is through the invitations. E-invitations are cool, peppy and modern. If you really have to print, why not opt for recycled paper? As wedding vendors become increasingly environmentally conscious, it’s easier than ever to find invitation suites that are printed on recycled paper or use alternative materials like upcycled fabrics, leather, and wood.

PC : Botanical Paper Work

Be conscious of decor

Use eco-friendly materials for wedding decor. Choose local flowers and reusable materials, handmade, upcycled decor. Consider potted flowers, such as orchids or spray roses, or plants, including herbs and even trees, that can be reused at home, on a patio, or transplanted to the garden after the event. If you are going with cut flowers, choose seasonal blooms that are grown locally. There are options for decorations such as mirrors, signage, and lanterns. Another eco-friendly choice is to choose potted blooms, plants or topiaries as centerpieces. This way, you can take them home and replant them after the wedding.


PC : Rock My Wedding

Go green & opt for sustainable meal

Food can be a hotly debated topic in the eco-friendly wedding conversation as it is the center of any celebration and going green doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice taste. Look for caterers who focus on local, sustainable and seasonal cuisine. Food from local farm shops or markets is less likely to come packaged in unnecessary plastic. To avoid disposables, hire crockery & glasses and recycle whatever you can, including bottles and cans. Look out for organic wines and soft drinks.

PC : Shadi Wish

Give out useable favors

Giving your guests something useful, gorgeous and environmentally-friendly as wedding favors is a great idea. For an eco-friendly wedding, go edible or look for plantable favors. Tasty gifts are one of the most popular favors. Look for plantable favors like potted saplings, herbs or succulents.

PC : Get Your Venue

Planning a green wedding is easy, enjoyable, saves you money and will make you feel better about your day. You just have to focus on what is truly important, while cutting back on things that may be frivolous or unnecessary at your wedding. Go green, save some green! Just drop us a line 🙂