Say ‘I Do’ in Style: Fashion Trends for Wedding Celebration

Say 'I Do' in Style: Fashion trends for Wedding Celebration

Say ‘I Do’ in Style: Fashion Trends for Wedding Celebration

Pre-wedding activities and post-wedding activities are a crucial part of Indian weddings and are  known for their vibrant and elaborate celebrations that go beyond just the wedding ceremony. EBS with its vast experience in wedding planning shares Wedding celebration ideas and some fun wedding activities. EBS shares some pre-wedding and post-wedding activities, each with its own significance and role in creating a well-rounded and memorable experience that is a part and parcel of a Luxury wedding planning. 

Concept and Some Tips and Ideas for Pre and Post-Wedding Celebrations

Here’s an introduction to this concept and some tips and ideas for pre and post-wedding celebrations, EBS shares some tried and tested creative wedding activities and wedding planning ideas.

Fashion trends for western weddings Infographic

Mehendi Ceremony

The bride’s hands and feet are tattooed with beautiful henna designs during this joyous pre-wedding custom.

Sangeet Ceremony

The night before the wedding is called the Sangeet, and it is full of dancing and music. Both families come together to perform and enjoy cultural performances, singing, and dancing.

Haldi Ceremony

In the Haldi ceremony, the bride and groom undertake a beautifying and purifying procedure wherein a paste prepared from turmeric is applied to their bodies. 

Tips for Pre-Wedding Celebrations

Plan in Advance: Pre-wedding celebrations require careful planning, so start early to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Include Personal Touches: Incorporate elements that are meaningful to you and your families, such as favorite songs, dances, or cultural traditions.

Invite All Ages: Make sure your pre-wedding celebrations are inclusive and enjoyable for guests of all ages.

Post-Wedding Celebrations Ideas

Reception: The wedding reception is a grand event that follows the wedding ceremony. It could be a Post wedding celebration party or Brunch wedding activities. These are occassions for the  couple to meet and greet guests, receive blessings, and celebrate with a larger audience.

Griha Pravesh: In some regions of India, there is a tradition of the bride entering her new home with a welcoming ceremony known as Griha Pravesh. It symbolizes the bride’s entry into her new life and family.

Bidaai: The Bidaai is an emotional moment when the bride leaves her parents’ home to start a new life with her husband. It’s often accompanied by blessings and tears of joy.

Tips for Post-Wedding Celebrations

Plan an Enjoyable Reception: Your wedding reception is a chance to relax and celebrate with your guests, so plan it with entertainment, good food, and memorable moments in mind.

Incorporate Cultural Traditions: Consider including cultural rituals and customs in your post-wedding celebrations to make them more meaningful.

Thank Your Guests: Spend some time thanking your guests for attending your special day. Personalized thank-you notes or a heartfelt speech can go a long way.

The concept of extending the wedding celebration beyond the ceremony in Indian weddings adds depth and richness to the overall experience. It allows the couple and their families to create lasting memories and celebrate their love in various ways, from vibrant dances to intimate rituals. These pre and post-wedding activities are an integral part of Indian wedding traditions and contribute to the uniqueness and charm of these celebrations.

Pre-Wedding Activities in Indian Weddings

In Indian weddings, pre-wedding activities are an essential part of the celebration, and they serve several important purposes:

Bonding and Socializing

Pre-wedding events allow both families and friends to come together and get to know each other. They provide an opportunity for socializing and building relationships, which can be particularly important in arranged marriages.

Alleviating Stress

Planning a wedding can be stressful, and pre-wedding activities provide moments of relaxation and enjoyment before the big day, helping to alleviate stress.

Traditions and Customs

Cultural traditions and customs are deeply rooted in many pre-wedding rituals. They make it possible for the couple to connect with their roots and respect their history.

Celebrating Love

Pre-wedding events are a way to celebrate the love between the couple before they officially tie the knot.

Ideas for Pre-Wedding Events

Engagement Party

Venue: A restaurant, banquet hall, or even a backyard can serve as a great venue.

Theme: Consider a theme that reflects the couple’s personality or interests.

Activities: Traditional ring exchange, speeches, and dancing.

Budgeting: Determine the guest list size and allocate funds accordingly. It can be a smaller-scale event compared to the wedding.

Bachelor and Bachelorette Parties

Venue: A fun venue like a club, beach destination, or a weekend getaway.

Activities: Plan games, activities, and surprises that the bride or groom would enjoy.

Budgeting: Set a budget per person and stick to it. Encourage attendees to share costs if needed.

Rehearsal Dinner

Venue: A restaurant, family home, or a cozy event space.

Activities: This is an opportunity for both families to relax and mingle before the wedding day.

Budgeting: Determine the number of guests and choose a menu that fits within your budget. It’s generally a smaller event, so it doesn’t need to be extravagant.

Tips on Budgeting and Planning

Set Priorities

Decide which pre-wedding event elements are more essential to you and spend more of your money on those.

Guest List

To save money, choose your guests carefully. Invite just the people who are closest to the couple and you.

DIY and Personalization

Consider DIY elements or personal touches that can save money while adding a unique flair to the events.

Planning Timeline

Start planning early to secure venues and negotiate contracts. A longer planning timeline can help with budgeting.

Consult Professionals

If you’re unsure about planning or budgeting, consider hiring a wedding planner who specializes in Indian weddings. They can offer valuable guidance.

Online Resources

Use online tools and budgeting apps to help you keep track of expenses and stay within your budget.


Be open to adjusting your plans if necessary. Sometimes, a simpler celebration can be just as meaningful.


Be open to adjusting your plans if necessary. Sometimes, a simpler celebration can be just as meaningful.

Pre-wedding activities in Indian weddings are a time of celebration, tradition, and connection. By planning and budgeting carefully, you can create memorable events that enhance the overall wedding experience without breaking the bank.

Post-Wedding Activities in Indian Weddings

Post-wedding activities are a wonderful addition to Indian weddings for several reasons:

Extended Celebration

They allow the festivities to continue and provide a graceful transition from the intensity of the wedding day.

Quality Time

Post-wedding activities give the couple and their close family and friends a chance to spend quality time together in a more relaxed setting.

Less Stressful Farewell

Post-wedding activities give the couple and their close family and friends a chance to spend quality time together in a more relaxed setting.

Gratitude and Reflection

They offer an opportunity for the newlyweds to express gratitude to their guests and reflect on their special day.

Suggested Post-Wedding Activities

Day-After Brunch

Venue: A casual restaurant, outdoor picnic, or a family member’s home.

Purpose: A relaxed gathering to thank guests for attending and to provide closure to the wedding celebrations.

Activities: Brunch, mingling, and sharing anecdotes from the wedding day.

Advice: Keep it casual, and ensure guests know it’s an informal event.

Mini-Moon or Honeymoon Planning

Venue: Your home or a cozy location of your choice.

Purpose: Start planning your honeymoon or mini-moon together.

Activities: Research destinations, create a bucket list, and set a travel budget.

Advice: Use this time to bond and dream about your future adventures.

Thank-You Card Writing Parties

Venue: Your home or a cozy location of your choice.

Purpose: Start planning your honeymoon or mini-moon together.

Activities: Research destinations, create a bucket list, and set a travel budget.

Advice: Use this time to bond and dream about your future adventures.

Managing Post-Wedding Stress

Post-wedding stress is common, but it can be managed effectively:

Take Time for Yourselves: After the wedding, take a few days to spend alone together, even if it’s a staycation. This can help you decompress.

Stay Organized: Keep a checklist for post-wedding tasks, such as sending thank-you cards and handling gifts. Tackle them one at a time. 

Relegate Responsibilities: If possible, delegate tasks to family members or close friends to lighten the load.

Practice Self-Care: Maintain your self-care practices, such as physical activity, meditation, or relaxing hobbies.

Open Communication: Talk to your spouse about how you’re both feeling post-wedding. It’s natural to feel a range of emotions.

Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that post-wedding life may not be all bliss. There will be adjustments, so be patient with each other.

Reflect and Cherish: Take time to reflect on your wedding day and cherish the memories. Share stories and pictures with each other.

Indian post-wedding activities provide a beautiful way to extend the celebration and wind down from the wedding festivities. They also offer an opportunity to express gratitude, plan for the future, and bond with your spouse. By managing post-wedding stress and focusing on the positive aspects of this transition, you can fully enjoy this special time in your life.

Guest Engagement in Indian Weddings

Guest engagement is a crucial aspect of Indian weddings, as these celebrations are not just about the couple but also about the coming together of families and communities. Engaging guests enhances the overall experience and creates lasting memories. Here are some Wedding Activity Ideas that will take your wedding planning to different levels.:


Guest engagement is a crucial aspect of Indian weddings, as these celebrations are not just about the couple but also about the coming together of families and communities. Engaging guests enhances the overall experience and creates lasting memories. Here are some Wedding Activity Ideas that will take your wedding planning to different levels.:

Cultural Significance

Many pre and post-wedding rituals have a deep cultural and traditional meaning. Engaging guests allows them to understand and appreciate these customs.

Building Connections

Families and friends can bond and form new bonds at weddings. Involving guests promotes a feeling of belonging and community.

Creating Memories

Guests will cherish and recall special moments created by lively activities long after the wedding.

Ideas for Involving Guests in Pre and Post-Wedding Activities

Mehendi/Henna Station

Set up a mehendi or henna station where guests can get henna designs applied to their hands. This is a popular and interactive pre-wedding activity that involves both the bride’s and groom’s sides.

Dance Performances

Encourage guests to prepare dance performances for the Sangeet or other pre-wedding events. It’s a great way for family and friends to showcase their talents and entertain the couple.

Cultural Workshops

Arrange workshops or demonstrations on traditional activities like saree draping, turban tying, or even Indian cooking. Guests can participate and learn about Indian culture.


Have themed photobooths with props related to your wedding theme or cultural motifs. This allows guests to take fun and memorable pictures.

Guest Messages

Set up a message or wishes corner where guests can write notes or record video messages for the couple. It’s a touching way to involve guests and create keepsakes.

Traditional Games

Incorporate traditional Indian games like antakshari or mehendi competitions that guests can participate in during pre-wedding gatherings.

Technology and Social Media for Sharing Experiences

Technology and social media play a significant role in Indian weddings for sharing experiences and keeping guests engaged:

Wedding Hashtags

Create a unique wedding hashtag and encourage guests to use it when posting photos and updates on social media. This allows everyone to easily access and share memories.

Live Streaming

For guests who can’t attend in person, consider live-streaming the wedding ceremony. This technology enables remote guests to be part of the celebration.

Digital Invitations

Send digital invitations and updates through email or dedicated wedding websites, making it easy for guests to access event details and RSVP.

Photo Sharing Apps

Use photo-sharing apps or platforms like Instagram or a dedicated wedding app where guests can upload and view pictures and videos in real-time.

Virtual Guest Book

Build a digital guest book where visitors may leave greetings and best wishes.

Event Updates

Build a digital guest book where visitors may leave greetings and best wishes.

Involving guests in pre and post-wedding activities and using technology for engagement and sharing experiences can enhance the sense of community and make your Indian wedding even more special for everyone involved. It allows guests to actively participate in the celebration, whether they are physically present or joining from afar.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How can we ensure that pre-wedding activities are enjoyable for everyone, including our guests?

  This is how you ensure enjoyable Pre-Wedding Activities for Everyone:

  • Choose activities that cater to various age groups and interests.
  • Incorporate cultural elements that are meaningful to both families.
  • Provide comfortable seating, refreshments, and clear event instructions.
  • Encourage mingling and participation through icebreakers or games.
  • Consider dietary preferences and restrictions when planning meals.

Q2. How to start wedding planning?

Here are some tips to start wedding planningStarting Wedding Planning:

  • Begin by setting a clear budget.
  • Make a guest list to help you decide how big your party will be.
  • Choose a wedding date and start researching potential venues.
  • Prioritize key vendors like photographers, caterers, and florists.
  • Keep an organized timeline and checklist to stay on track.

Q3. Are there cost-effective options for pre-wedding activities that won’t break the bank?

Cost-Effective Pre-Wedding Activities:

  • Organize events in the form of a potluck, when attendees bring food to share.
  • DIY decorations and party favors to reduce costs.
  • Utilize outdoor or public spaces for events to save on venue expenses.
  • Consider digital invitations or evites to cut down on printing and postage costs.

Q4. What are some unique post-wedding activities for couples looking for a special way to celebrate together?

Unique Post-Wedding Activities for Couples:

  • Plan a private picnic in a scenic location.
  • Take a joint cooking or dance class to learn something new together.
  • Take a romantic weekend trip to a boutique hotel or a peaceful cottage.

Q5. How can we make our guests feel involved and appreciated during pre and post-wedding events?

Making Guests Feel Involved and Appreciated:

  • Assign specific roles to guests during pre and post-wedding events, such as readings, toasts, or cultural performances.
  • Offer welcome gifts or personalized thank-you notes as tokens of appreciation.
  • Encourage guests to participate in cultural or family traditions, making them feel like an integral part of the celebration.

Q6. When should we plan pre and post-wedding activities in relation to the wedding day?

Timing of Pre and Post-Wedding Activities:

  • Pre-wedding activities, such as the Sangeet or Mehendi, are usually held in the days leading up to the wedding, with specific timing depending on cultural traditions.
  • Post-wedding activities can be scheduled immediately following the wedding or during the days following to extend the celebration. Consider the logistics and availability of both the couple and guests when planning.
  • Remember that open communication with your partner, flexibility in your plans, and thoughtful consideration of your guests’ comfort and enjoyment are key to successful pre and post-wedding celebrations.